Let's Dissect a (Fake) Magic Card! #3

Well, here's the first of two (100% fake) cards for today. It's an Enchantment...

I forgot where I got the image from, but it's not important to the card with exception to creating the theme.

Cost: Converted mana cost is 6, but under optimum conditions only costs four.

Rarity: Not a Rare or Mythic, so it's not that much of a game-winner. The sets lately seems to have one hell of a power creep, though... this uncommon would've been rare back in the day.

Commune: For 6 mana, others can get a copy of the enchantment. One has to be careful when playing it, although for what it does it might not be the best thing to do because...

Effect: It creates a lifesaver once a turn. Thing is, the tokens don't have haste, so they have to last a turn before they can activate, and only G/W can really use their effects cheaply enough. However, for G/W's cost, the effect is rather decent, saving a single creature from death and gaining it's owner some life in exchange for it's own.

Overall: It's a somewhat solid uncommon. Certainly better token generators out there, and most definitely cheaper ones.

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