Let's Dissect a (Fake) Magic Card! #2

Another (100% fake) card. If you want to look at the original art for the card, please go to:

(I've used it before, but good luck finding it :P)

And, as always, the name and image are not what we're going to be looking at, just everything else.

Cost: One colorless, one black, and one white. W/B has been playing nice with the more recent sets (and is my favorite color combo, actually... my main deck is W/B life steal :D). Leveler cards are supposed to have low starting costs, but his abilities sorta demanded it the somewhat higher than norm base costs and level costs.

Typing: The Assassin part is relatively useless, but the Spirit part can do more wonders than if he was a Human or Demon. His synergy in the current Extended is actually pretty good.

Level 0-2: I wanted him to have an ability right when he's played, and what an ability it is. Indestructible? I think not. You've got a Shadow beastie? Well, now I can block it. Deathtouch? My buddy is no longer dead. It can even get rid of Defender, and with the defender-heavy metagame of Eldrazi, it's excellent. Three mana is sorta cheap for the ability, but the trade off is that his 1/3 stats aren't going to save him from an assault or let him kill anything. Not to mention he's stuck like this for three turn at the least, and it's not helping him level. Also, he's out of color for the best official leveling cards, so he's not going to get much help from the leveler's sorta good support cards.

Level 3+: You've pissed him off now. He loses his support ability, and becomes a powerhouse. It'll take nine mana to get him there, and for that cost there's a lot better out there... but for the specific combination of W/B, it's a Haruhisend. His activated ability allows him to kill off a troublesome blocker with ease, but be careful of target-changing effects since he can be destroyed with ease by his own ability. The drawback is that he is likely not going to survive an encounter with anything that can get through his double strike, and direct damage is much better against his more evolved self.

Notes: His 0-2 ability has no precedent, so the wording may be off.

Overall: It's a strong card for W/B. It's certainly got it's weak points (lackluster toughness for one, bad current metagame colors for another), but it's a great card for any W/B deck. One would need protection effects to keep it alive, and it being legendary isn't going to do you any favors...

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