I haven't been updating, to bring you this


The Bliss Stage CCG. I know, there's at least two other projects like this, and it's two years late. However, with the upcoming release of the Visual Novel version of Bliss Stage, I might just stand a chance of getting it noticed...

To those wandering, the game's mythos is like Evangelion meets Inception meets Persona 3 meets Dungeons and Dragons.

Anyways, you, the player, are in control of the Authority Figure, a Pilot, and three Anchors. You play alien threats against your opponent to force them into a myriad of lose conditions... with the only win condition to lose last. You must maintain your Anchors and Pilot against your opponent's threats. You also have a Stage to fight on, ranging from the fantastic to the realistic to the obscene. I'll post more if there's interest.

Let's Dissect a (Fake) Magic Card! #3


Well, here's the first of two (100% fake) cards for today. It's an Enchantment...

I forgot where I got the image from, but it's not important to the card with exception to creating the theme.

Cost: Converted mana cost is 6, but under optimum conditions only costs four.

Rarity: Not a Rare or Mythic, so it's not that much of a game-winner. The sets lately seems to have one hell of a power creep, though... this uncommon would've been rare back in the day.

Commune: For 6 mana, others can get a copy of the enchantment. One has to be careful when playing it, although for what it does it might not be the best thing to do because...

Effect: It creates a lifesaver once a turn. Thing is, the tokens don't have haste, so they have to last a turn before they can activate, and only G/W can really use their effects cheaply enough. However, for G/W's cost, the effect is rather decent, saving a single creature from death and gaining it's owner some life in exchange for it's own.

Overall: It's a somewhat solid uncommon. Certainly better token generators out there, and most definitely cheaper ones.

Let's Dissect a (Fake) Magic Card! #2


Another (100% fake) card. If you want to look at the original art for the card, please go to:

(I've used it before, but good luck finding it :P)

And, as always, the name and image are not what we're going to be looking at, just everything else.

Cost: One colorless, one black, and one white. W/B has been playing nice with the more recent sets (and is my favorite color combo, actually... my main deck is W/B life steal :D). Leveler cards are supposed to have low starting costs, but his abilities sorta demanded it the somewhat higher than norm base costs and level costs.

Typing: The Assassin part is relatively useless, but the Spirit part can do more wonders than if he was a Human or Demon. His synergy in the current Extended is actually pretty good.

Level 0-2: I wanted him to have an ability right when he's played, and what an ability it is. Indestructible? I think not. You've got a Shadow beastie? Well, now I can block it. Deathtouch? My buddy is no longer dead. It can even get rid of Defender, and with the defender-heavy metagame of Eldrazi, it's excellent. Three mana is sorta cheap for the ability, but the trade off is that his 1/3 stats aren't going to save him from an assault or let him kill anything. Not to mention he's stuck like this for three turn at the least, and it's not helping him level. Also, he's out of color for the best official leveling cards, so he's not going to get much help from the leveler's sorta good support cards.

Level 3+: You've pissed him off now. He loses his support ability, and becomes a powerhouse. It'll take nine mana to get him there, and for that cost there's a lot better out there... but for the specific combination of W/B, it's a Haruhisend. His activated ability allows him to kill off a troublesome blocker with ease, but be careful of target-changing effects since he can be destroyed with ease by his own ability. The drawback is that he is likely not going to survive an encounter with anything that can get through his double strike, and direct damage is much better against his more evolved self.

Notes: His 0-2 ability has no precedent, so the wording may be off.

Overall: It's a strong card for W/B. It's certainly got it's weak points (lackluster toughness for one, bad current metagame colors for another), but it's a great card for any W/B deck. One would need protection effects to keep it alive, and it being legendary isn't going to do you any favors...

Let's Dissect a (Fake) Magic Card! #1


We will take a look at this particular (absolutely 100% fake) Magic: the Gathering card.

Now, the name and image aren't really important, so from the top:

Cost: 7. Note that is is all colorless, which means it's splashable into any deck that will have it. However, there is an obvious drawback with:

Loyalty: 3. For seven mana, this is pretty low. It's balanced somewhat by colorless mana (which is traditionally worth less than colored mana). Negi will be dying relatively early, though, without assistance (a single Lightning Bolt will wipe him out.)

Abilities: Has a static, an activated, and two planeswalker types. Only the static ability is able to add loyalty counters.

--Static: This is what helps Negi stay alive. One can add multiple counters at any time, but countering a spell is primarily blue's thing (the other colors can psuedo-counter, though, by negating targets).

--Activated: Negi creates doppelgangers of sorts (in line with one of his early abilities, the ability to summon numerous wind clones). These clones can serve as a chump blockers or their intended purpose, to create counter opportunities so Negi can grow.

--(-3): It's a simple ability... instant knowledge, with the cost paid at the end of the turn. Possibly can be used the instant he shows up, turning the planeswalker into a seven-mana sorcery with single creature creation with some serious card draw. In universe, it's like pushing oneself to pulling out moves you didn't think of, but later, you forget what you were going to do.

--(-20): Not meant to see serious use, really. However, when Negi turns into a creature, he keeps all his abilities (as proof, see Gideon Jura "lose all abilities", and a ruling that involved turning planeswalkers into artifact creatures), which means he still gains loyalty counters to use his -3 ability, and still has the activated ability. He even keeps his -20, so in the off chance you need to, you can reset his power/toughness. While a creature, he's able to be a spectacular blocker while being able to go on the offensive.

Overall: It's a colorless planeswalker. Shouldn't be that hard... in a dedicated counter deck, it could see some serious use. Outside of one, however, it's use is limited to a VERY expensive distraction. Early game, it's a dead draw... and it may be too late by the endgame to really use him to his fullest.

And now for a break of a bit while I get the cards prepared.


Because working on magic cards to dissect is obviously helping me get AMVpcg out the door :P

Oh yeah...


I'm having to redo the base card for the clips, again. This time, I'm increasing the picture frame and removing the lower right corner box, and increasing the space in between the boxes besides the picture so that I may fit both the terms and the increased need to have both the Base Numbers and the + Numbers.

I found the old AMVpcg cards...


Yup, this is the old, old, OLD beta for the game. Mocked up the cards by hand (nowandays, the process is automated on my end).

Note the larger picture and bigger text box for the [Featured].

Another note is that, in this version, the clips weren't "catch-all". The current version has all clips able to function as a battler, just some are better at it than others.

AMVpcg Background image 1


This is the card base for all the regular cards in AMVpcg, the "clip".

 The basis of the card is that you're literally following a "scene" from the show, and the cards abilities reflect this.

Clips always have three stats, and the three stats are determined by the clip's source. For example, AMV Blitz cards have Hilarity (how funny it is), Technical (how well made), and Impact (what it does to the viewer), in that order. Other sources (like "AMV Hell") may have different stats, or have stats in a different order.

Battles are done with those stats, and always Top to Bottom.

First post.


Considering that blogging isn't really my thing, I'll do the best I can.

People call me Age. What I want to do in life is make card games (because they are serious business, after all. Really).

So, this blog will be posting the cards/sets I've created, then break those down into design comments... or something.

Anyways, I'm working on a card game that has any anime as it's base. It's known as the AMVpcg, the "p" stands for Proxy. The game is meant to be played so long as you have a printer.

Stay tuned... I'll try to blog often.